Credit Union Association Supports Children's Hospitals

September 10, 2014
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CUAD Miracle Jeans DayBismarck, ND - The Credit Union Association of the Dakotas is a proud supporter of Miracle Jeans Day.� Staff raised $400 to support our Dakota Children's Miracle Network Hospitals!� Shown in photo L to R:� Trish Shomion, Corey Prince, Shawn Marie Brummer, Jeff Olson, Robbie Thompson, Deb Kruckenberg, Jared Erling, and Karla Clark. Not shown but also participating was Amy Kleinschmit. Throughout the Dakotas, nearly 50% of all credit unions participated in Miracle Jeans Day this year! Headquartered in Bismarck, ND, the Credit Union Association of the Dakotas (CUAD) is the professional financial trade association serving 68 credit unions in North and South Dakota with assets in excess of $5.5 billion and serving over 450,000 credit union members. For more information about CUAD visit our website at  
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