Credit Union Foundation Supports Financial Literacy
July 18, 2014
Bismarck, ND - The Credit Union Foundation of the Dakotas recently met and awarded two North Dakota organizations with grants to support their financial literacy programs. Receiving awards are Red River Valley Habitat for Humanity located in Thompson, ND and the $martrz Financial Experience for High School Program through Town and Country Credit Union in Minot and Fargo, ND.
The Red River Valley Habitat Duplex Program works with middle to low income families who cannot obtain a traditional mortgage.� Through labor and materials, costs are kept low for a mortgage.� A family standing support committee then assists families through education and evaluation to help them stay afloat.
$MRTZ was launched by Town & Country Credit Union in 2009.� This free, one day, financial experience takes place in Minot and Fargo and teaches students on such topics as credit cards, financial aid and living on a students budget.
The Credit Union Foundation of the Dakotas is funded by participating North and South Dakota Credit Unions. It funds projects in the areas of access to financial services, financial education, savings and asset accumulation, and small credit union development.