Credit Union Honors "Students of the Year" with Scholarships

June 23, 2014
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Altura Student of YearRiverside, Calif. Five graduating seniors from Hemet and San Jacinto high schools in Riverside County were recently honored as "Students of the Year" through a program that was founded by Altura Credit Unions local business development officer Karena Chum. �Backed and supported by the San Jacinto and Hemet/San Jacinto Valley Chambers of Commerce, the program awarded each student a college scholarship of $1,800. Since its launch in September 2013, 45 Hemet and San Jacinto high school seniors have been recognized as "Students of the Month." From among those honorees, the top five students of the year were chosen. Chum started the Student of the Month program in the Hemet/San Jacinto Valley after seeing its success in other parts of Riverside County. With guidance from other experienced volunteers, Chum sought local sponsors and worked closely with a committee of volunteers, as well as school district and high school leaders to set the program in motion. "We created the program to acknowledge and honor students for their character, their love of learning and commitment to academics, as well as their participation in athletics, school activities, or community service; or their ability to overcome difficult life circumstances," explained Chum. "Over and over, I have found myself emotionally touched by these students and their ability to overcome challenges while continuing to excel in school and in their community." Photo� Caption: Karena Chum, far left, Altura Credit Union business development officer and founder of the "Student of the Month" program to honor Hemet and San Jacinto high school students, congratulates the recent winners of the "Student of the Year," from left:� Jevyfer Barro, West Valley High; Mayra Tanori Diaz, San Jacinto High; Christopher Gutierrez, Hemet High; Jasmine Hallman, Mountain View High; and Carolina Granados, Tahquitz High. Altura is very proud of its 57 years of service to Members in the Inland Empire.� Altura is a past-recipient of the California Award for Performance Excellence (CAPE), the states equivalent of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.� Today, Altura Credit Union has 85,500 Members and nearly $731 million in total assets.� For more information on Altura, visit our website,, or call 1-888-883-7228.  
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