June is usually a month filled with graduations and celebrations. Thats why Foothill Credit Union (Foothill) decided to create a memorial scholarship to celebrate the life of Adrian Castro of El Monte. A $2,000 scholarship was created by Foothill to be offered exclusively to those who felt the loss of Castro the strongest- the students at El Monte High School.
Many remember the tragic accident several months ago when a charter bus taking students to visit the campus of Humboldt State University collided with a FedEx truck.� Castro was among those killed in the accident.� According to the Los Angeles Times, 19 year old Adrian Castro was an athlete, an older brother, and a young man who was always determined to finish what he started.
Because of Foothills close partnership with the El Monte High School District, the credit union wanted to contribute to the positive memory of Castro. He would have been the first in his family to attend college, so Foothill deemed it fitting to create a college scholarship in his name. Foothills Adrian Castro Memorial Scholarship was created a month after the accident.
Foothill worked closely with Joel Sanchez, Head Football Coach and Physical Education Teacher, to lay out the details of the scholarship.� Foothill presented the scholarship to its first recipient, Tiyana Watkins on June 6
th at El Monte High Schools senior luncheon. Watkins played basketball for four years, volleyball for four years and was on the track team for two years. She will be attending Pasadena City College. Watkins was chosen as the scholarship recipient because she embodies the same hard work, team spirit and drive that Castro did.
Foothill specializes in serving local school district and hospital employees. The credit union strives to exceed its members expectations.� With a zest for serving schools within the credit unions field of membership, Foothill has become a recognized organization within the community.