Credit Union Celebrates Teachers
May 20, 2014

Gulf Coast Educators FCU Celebrates Teacher Appreciation Week by Honoring Family Members & Announcing Award Winners
Gulf Coast Educators was founded in 1948 by a group of Pasadena ISD teachers. To this day, the credit union remains committed to serving teachers and other school district employees. This teacher appreciation week, the employees decided to show their family members who teach how appreciative they are of the great work they do. �
Staff members had signs with the name of their family member who teaches printed and shared with others why they appreciate the job their family member does. One of the credit unions team members has seven teachers in her immediate family while several others had two or more. The credit unions CEO, Linda Lukaszewski has a daughter who teaches in Deer Park ISDs Fairmont Elementary. "Watching my daughters journey in teaching I personally understand the difficulties and sacrifices that teachers make every day, at GCEFCU we are very proud to be able to recognize these outstanding teachers and their tireless commitment to education" says Lukaszewski.
2014 Award Recipients Announced
Gulf Coast Educators is proud to announce that the following teachers have been selected as 2014 Appreciated Teacher Award recipients. A committee selected the recipients from almost 200 nominations. Each recipient will receive a $100 honorarium, a $100 donation to the school in their honor and an award.
Amy Bolting Alvin Elementary Alvin ISD Meredith Boeneman Santa Fe High School Santa Fe ISD Christy Freshour Fairmont Elementary Deer Park ISD Kevin Poe Lomax Jr. High La Porte ISD Mandy Benedix Rogers Middle School Pearland ISD Megan Elliott Longfellow Elementary Alvin ISD
Photo: Gulf Coast Educators team members hold up signs with the names of their family members who teach.
About Gulf Coast Educators FCU
Gulf Coast Educators FCU is a credit union dedicated to serving the financial needs of school employees in Harris, Brazoria & Galveston counties. The credit union offers a full line of financial services tailored to meet the unique needs of our educator members and their families. The products and services provide members with more money, time & peace of mind.