Eugene, OR
– Oregon Community Credit Union
has a demonstrated history of teaching the community's youth the importance of financial literacy. This April, Oregon Community joined credit unions across the nation in celebrating National Youth Savings Month, which emphasizes the importance of guiding youth toward financial independence. Additionally, during the week of April 20-26, Oregon Community celebrated National Credit Union Youth Week™. This year’s fun theme, “Catch the $ave Wave™,” led to some fun and creative children’s activities focused on building good habits and “hanging ten” on the save wave. Branches decorated to the theme with waves, sand, beaches and surfboards. Branches also hosted coloring contests using beach scenes and set up fun activities such as “guess the number of coins in the jar of sand.” Some highlights were:
Coburg, Mohawk and West 11th Branches Visit Local Schools
Employees from the Coburg and Mohawk branches visited Twin Rivers Dos Rios and Mt. Vernon elementary schoolsto teach classes about the importance of saving.Students brainstormed things they need or would like to have in the future and ways to save up their money to purchase the items using a set, weekly allowance. Other students learned money basics by exploring different elements of the penny as well as the meanings behind it, and designing their own coin.Staff from the West 11
branch visited Creswell High School to teach a financial class to students. They discussed the difference between banks and credit unions, how to spot fraudulent currency, and other important topics. Oregon Community employees also provided goody bags for the students and teachers.
Downtown Branch Invites a Girl Scout Troop to an After Hours Tour
OCCU’s Downtown branch invited a Girl Scout Troop into the branch after hours for a personal tour. Girl Scouts rotated through stations where they practiced sending lollipops back and forth to each other in the drive up window, explored the vault and the money counter and sat at Teller Row to get a behind-the-scenes look at the branch and use the coin machine. The tour ended with a coloring contest and a pizza party, which the girls got to sit at branch representative desks to eat. Each participant also received a goody bag.
General activities at other branches included contests, specials for youths who opened minor accounts during Youth Savings Month such as Lucky Duck Bucks which youth can use to “buy” fun toys at the branches, and drawings with a cash prize for the winner – which went straight into their youth account.
Says Mandy Jones, CEO of Oregon Community Credit Union, “It is important for the youth of today to learn how to be financially stable. The earlier they learn how to save smartly, the more beneficial it is for them long term. Equally important is encouraging them to start building a relationship with a great financial partner – their local credit union! After all, today’s youth will have the biggest impact on businesses and our communities in the future.”
Oregon Community Credit Union, founded in 1956, is a full-service financial institution providing checking, savings, certificates and money market accounts as well as mortgages, auto and home equity loans, and a full range of investment services. Oregon Community Credit Union operates 9 branches in Eugene, Springfield and Salem. Membership is open to anyone who lives or works in Benton, Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Crook, Curry, Deschutes, Douglas, Gilliam, Hood River, Jackson, Jefferson, Josephine, Klamath, Lane, Lincoln, Linn, Marion, Morrow, Multnomah, Polk, Sherman, Tillamook, Wasco, Washington, Wheeler, and Yamhill Counties in Oregon.