CU Social Good Exceeds 2000 Stories from 41 States! Is Your State Represented?

April 24, 2014
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CU Social Good has just surpassed the milestone of 2000 posted stories!� So far, CU Social Good has received story submissions from 41 states and Canada.� The nine states that are not represented (yet) are:� Alaska, Delaware, Idaho, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and West Virginia. We welcome and encourage credit unions from around the country to contribute their stories, and we are particularly hopeful to receive some submissions from the states listed above!� You can visit our website at to see what has been submitted from your state!� Simply put your states name in the "Search" option. As a reminder, you can also sign up to receive the Spotlight a once weekly emailed newsletter from CU Social Good that highlights some of our favorite stories each week.  
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