![Whatcom Educational CU](http://www.cusocialgood.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Whatcom-Educational-CU2.gif)
In 2012 Whatcom Educational Credit Union of Bellingham, WA launched a random acts of kindness campaign called "Do Good, Feel Good". As part of the campaign, management staff were allotted a small budget each month to do good deeds on behalf of the credit union. Recipients of good deeds receive a branded campaign card asking them to pass the kindness forward. The program created a positive ripple of kind acts and good deeds throughout Whatcom County.
In addition to the random acts of kindness, the Do Good, Feel Good campaign was accompanied by a host of outreach efforts and donations by WECU� and its staff. WECU�s social responsibility committee, which makes quarterly donations in support of education, health and community concerns, has made more than $124,000 donations in support of local non-profits thus far in 2012.
In 2012, WECU�s Sweat Equity Team (SET) -a staff committee which organizes volunteer opportunities, has had 93 WECU� employees volunteer over 190 times for 18 different events.� Also in 2012, WECU�s United Way Committee raised just over $65,000 in support of United Way of Whatcom County. This record donation includes staff donations and a corporate gift.� Each year WECU� holds multiple food, gift and funding drives in support of various Whatcom County organizations and supports a number of free community financial education efforts.