Credit Union CEO Supports Education Scholarships
March 19, 2014
Riverside, Calif.� March 14, 2014 Altura Credit Union President/CEO Mark Hawkins recently joined the Board of Directors of the Riverside Community College District (RCCD) Foundation.� The district includes three community colleges, a training facility and a culinary academy.
The non-profit Foundation, established in 1975, supports RCCD programs and projects through fundraising and financial support. Initiatives include scholarships, academic and career program support, athletics, and more.� Annually the Foundation awards more than $500,000 in scholarships to high school seniors enrolling in the districts three colleges, as well as continuing RCCD students and those transferring to four-year colleges and universities. "Education is one of the most important resources available to our youth," said Hawkins.� "The Riverside Community College District offers multiple opportunities for students to advance their educations and the Foundations generosity in providing scholarships opens those opportunities to many who would otherwise face many obstacles," he added. Hawkins pointed out that Alturas own Foundation has been offering college scholarships to local youth for more than 20 years. "Alturas history as an education-related credit union has led to our close ties with the education community. I am honored to be part of the RCCD Foundation Board, and look forward to expanding the opportunities for a college education to manymore local youth," Hawkins added. Photo Altura President & CEO Mark Hawkins, who recently joined the Board of Directors for the Riverside Community College District Foundation. Altura is very proud of its 57 years of service to Members in the Inland Empire.� Altura is a past-recipient of the California Award for Performance Excellence (CAPE), the states equivalent of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.� Today, Altura Credit Union has 85,500 Members and nearly $700 million in total assets.� For more information on Altura, visit our website,, or call 1-888-883-7228.