Credit Union Provides Food for School Children
March 21, 2014
Tallahassee, FL - Every Friday, the Second Harvest of the Big Bend provides bags of food for school children to take home.� This Backpack Program feeds families of at least four, allowing them to have nutritious meals throughout the weekend.
Envision Credit Union President & CEO, Darryl Worrell, says, "What we became aware of is there is a critical need during the holidays that these kids weren't getting that type of service.� So, Swipe for Schools allows us to continue that during the Spring Break holiday."
"Swipe for Schools" is Envision Credit Union's program where during the 2013-14 school year, card users earned five cents with every purchase for Leon County Schools.
Thursday, Envision donated $10,000 to the district.� This will now allow more than 300 students to take food home for this year's entire 10-day spring break holiday.
Second Harvest says it means a great deal because there are 21 schools in Leon County with a 75 percent or higher student population eligible for free or reduced meals.
At Riley Elementary, Principal Karwynn Paul says more than 100 of its 630 students use the backpack program.
Paul says, "Many of our students come from households where there's a very limited income.� Many of them are single parents and grandparents trying to raise children, and the income is very limited.� So, we need the support."
Richard English with Second Harvest says, "So, when they do come back after the break, they're ready."
$600 of the $10,000 donation will purchase a book for each child receiving meals.
Spring break begins this weekend.