Credit Unions Raise $10 Million for CMN Hospitals in 2013

February 24, 2014
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Credit Union for Kids_CMNHWashington DC Today Credit Union National Association President Bill Cheney presented Joe Dearborn, Senior Director of Credit Unions for Kids, with a large share draft (check) symbolizing the $10 million raised by credit unions in 2013 for the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals.� Since 1996, America's credit unions have contributed over a $120 million to CMN Hospitals throughout the U.S.

"The partnership between America's credit unions and Children's Miracle Network Hospitals has truly been an amazing journey," said Joe Dearborn, Senior Director for CMN Hospitals.� "Since 1996, when the Credit Unions for Kids program was introduced nationally, the credit union community has teamed up to raise a remarkable $120 million.� At many of our hospitals throughout the U.S., local credit unions have left a legacy of giving that's reflected in the new facilities, equipment and life-saving research that wouldn't have been possible without the generous support of our credit unions." These funds help support the hospitals in a variety of ways including providing new facilities, equipment, research, patient services and uncompensated care for those families with limited or no insurance.� This commitment guarantees the 10 million kids being served by 163 CMN Hospitals annually, will continue to receive the finest pediatric healthcare available. "The Children's Miracle Network Hospitals do extraordinary work, and we could not be more proud to support what they do," said CUNA's� Cheney. "My thanks to Leagues, credit unions and all of those in the credit union community who are uniting for good to make a huge difference in the lives of sick children." Credit Unions for Kids is one of the most comprehensive fundraising vehicles for members of the credit union movement, whose charity of choice has been the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. The generosity of leagues and credit unions over the years has made CU4Kids the third largest corporate contributor to CMN Hospitals behind only Walmart and Costco.
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