Arsenal Credit Union celebrates 75 years serving its members

October 19, 2023
Arsenal Credit Union

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Arsenal Credit Union celebrates 75 years of serving its members

On Thursday, Oct. 19, Arsenal Credit Union (Arnold, Missouri) celebrated 75 years of helping members of the community take control of their finances. This year, the credit union also celebrated the launch of its new brand. 

The credit union started in 1948 when a group of eight people started serving employees of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency in a 300-square-foot-office. Today, the credit union helps more than 32,000 members and employs close to 100 team members. 

As part of its celebration, employees wore red “I Love My Job” t-shirts and enjoyed a burger bar from Red Robin. Five (5) employees were randomly entered into a drawing to win $75 deposits into their accounts. 

Local bakery Catherine’s Cakery baked, decorated and stamped cookies for employees and members with the special 75th anniversary logo. 

To celebrate its members, Arsenal held a special contest on Facebook. Members told the credit union what their favorite part of being a member was. Close to 200 members participated in the contest, and 10 were selected to receive $75 deposits into their savings accounts.

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