Royal Credit Union Partners for Financial Education at Local High School
January 20, 2023

Royal Credit Union

Hudson, Wis. –Royal Credit Union and Hudson High School partnered for the first time to present students with a signature financial education experience Test Drive…Next Stop Reality® (Test Drive). Test Drive is a simulation of real life when it comes to money and finances. The event was held on Friday, January 13, 2023 at Hudson High School. Nearly 215 students participated. In addition to Royal team members, many members of the Hudson community and Hudson Chamber of Commerce volunteered to staff the event.
“Test Drive really takes learning to the next level through a hands-on, community volunteer-led interactive experience that encompasses what we've learned in the classroom” Carrie Hentz, Business Education teacher at Hudson High School said. “It's a great way to expose students to the financial realities of life and help them see how carefully they need to monitor their spending and live within a budget as young adults.”
Test Drive is a hands-on experience in which students select a career and research the education needed and salary that would come from that career. The students are then required to live within their monthly salary while paying for basics such as housing, utilities, transportation, clothing, and food. Additional expenditures such as entertainment, pets, and unexpected expenses are also factored into the simulated activity. The booths are staffed by over 80 volunteers ready to help the students make decisions and offer guidance if a student is faced with a difficult situation.
“We are proud to partner with Hudson High School to offer students this engaging, experiential learning opportunity,” said Debra Paulsen, Community Financial Education Coordinator at Royal. “Royal Credit Union developed Test Drive…Next Stop Reality® so that students learn to balance their wants and needs, understand what it takes to make it on their own and better prepare for their future.”
Royal offers a wide variety of free financial education for all ages and stages of life. A full list of financial programming can be found at
About Royal Credit Union
Royal Credit Union is a federally insured credit union proudly serving over 285,000 Members in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Royal is driven by a core ideology built on a strong purpose and values. You can open an account or apply for a low-rate loan at Royal Credit Union if you live or work in 26 counties in western Wisconsin or 16 counties in Minnesota. Counties served in Wisconsin include Adams, Ashland, Bayfield, Barron, Buffalo, Burnett, Chippewa, Clark, Douglas, Dunn, Eau Claire, Jackson, Lincoln, Marathon, Pepin, Pierce, Polk, Portage, Price, Rusk, Sawyer, St. Croix, Taylor, Trempealeau, Washburn, and Wood. Counties served in Minnesota include Anoka, Carver, Chisago, Dakota, Goodhue, Hennepin, Isanti, Olmsted, Pine, Ramsey, Scott, Sherburne, Wabasha, Washington, Winona and Wright. A complete list of Member eligibility requirements is available on the Royal Credit Union website. To learn more about Royal, visit or call 800-341-9911.