Credit Union Makes Financial Education Videos and Wins Awards

October 22, 2013
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VideoStripFitchburg, MA IC Federal Credit Union was chosen for Ragans PR Daily Digital PR Awards for 2013 in two categories: Best Specialty Campaign and Best Video Marketing Awareness. The year-long campaign introduced in February of 2012 consisted of six financial educational videos created with Gen Y in mind. Topics included "Credit Unions vs. Big Banks," "Zombie Life Insurance," "The S Word" (S is for Savings), "Budgeting in B Minor," "The Landlord and Broker," and "Credit Card Murphy-Behind the Plastic." The videos went viral and to date have views of over 700,000, with an explosion after release of the final video "Credit Card Murphy." Creators of the videos, James & Matthew + Company, a digital services agency located in the metro west Boston area, ("Gen Yers" themselves), approached the then CEO with an idea to help raise financial education awareness to the famously sought-after Gen Y population. "With the millions of YouTube videos out there, competing for views can be a difficult task," said Jim Pond of J&M+Co., "but adding humor to the educational aspect helped make these videos a huge success, not only because of the viral factor, but because the credit union reported a 51% increase in new Gen Y Members over 2011 where no special Gen Y campaign existed." "We were honored and very pleased that the judges of Ragans PR Daily Digital Awards chose us for these categories over the many that were submitted," said Monica Turner, Internet & Social Media Specialist, "We are humbled to be among such notables as Dana Farber, Dominos Pizza and High Tower." To watch all ICs YouTube videos, click here.

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