Huron Area Education FCU Announces "Cash for the Classroom" Recipients
December 16, 2022

Huron, SD - December 16, 2022 - Huron Area Education Federal Credit Union (HAEFCU) would like to announce the winners of its fall semester “Cash for the Classroom” drawing. The two credit union members who each won $200 to purchase supplies for their classroom were:
Laci Guy – School Counselor at Buchanan K-1 Center; and
Tammy Barnes – Exploratory teacher at the Huron Middle School.
HAEFCU understands the need that our educators have in providing necessary materials for their students and is honored to be able to assist in this way. Over the past years, this credit union has had the privilege of helping 36 educators in purchasing the “extras” for their classroom.
HAEFCU holds this drawing twice each year and the next drawing will be spring 2023. Educators in the counties of Beadle, Hand, Kingsbury, Sanborn and Spink who are members of the credit union are eligible and encouraged to contact HAEFCU and fill out a short application for their chance to get extra “Ca$h for the Classroom.”
Photos: HAEFCU Manager Kristen Jurgens is pictured presenting the funds to each winner.