Park Side FCU�has supported the efforts of Habitat for Humanity of Flathead Valley for a number of years now. The credit union has sponsored quite a few "build days," sending out staff to work side-by-side with the families who will move into the completed houses and furnishing lunch for the day. Recently, however, the support evolved into a true cooperative effort. In Spring 2012, when Park Side launched its�
iPay2Give program�(which is designed to raise both awareness and money for three local non-profits -- Park Side donates a portion of the interest payments members make on auto or RV loans),�Habitat for Humanity of Flathead Valley was chosen as one of the program partners and has embraced the relationship.
The executive director has become very involved in credit union activities, attending the summer barbeques, spending time talking to members, and bringing materials and coupons for the organization's Re-Sell store to the credit union's branch lobbies. When she learned that Congressman Daines was planning to stop by the current build site on August 21, she made sure Park Side was planning to be there that day -- something that made a great impression on the Congressman. Find out more about the day on�
Park Side's Facebook page.
What really sets the relationship between Park Side and Habitat for Humanity apart is the human element.� Many of the people who qualify for one of the homes are graduates of the 12-week financial literacy program for the area's underbanked and underserved that Park Side has been involved with for many years. A lot of them couldn't even qualify for a checking account when they started the program. As Josh Kroll, VP of Marketing, said "we get to work side-by-side with people we've seen move from point A to point C. They're building their house. We get to be there when their dreams are unfolding." It's a great success story -- for the credit union, for Habitat for Humanity, but mostly for the people involved.
Congressman Steve Daines (second from the left) dropped by the Habitat for Humanity (H4H) of Flathead Valley construction site on August 21, 2013. Here he joins�Christine Morris, H4H of Flathead Valley Executive Director,�and Park Side FCU employees Rob Lefkowicz, CJ McKee, and Josh Kroll.