Credit Union Helps Struggling Families to Access Financial Services

September 6, 2013
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CaptureHonitons credit union is continuing to grow and helping struggling families to access financial services. The plough and share service point was launched in March and is open every Monday at TRIP Community Transport Associations offices in New Street from 1pm until 3pm. It is run by a dedicated team of volunteers. Marianne Harman, the lead volunteer at the service point, said: "The Honiton service point has already helped local people who would otherwise be locked out of the mainstream financial system. "Small, affordable loans have allowed young families to make house repairs or replace vital household items." The credit union offers savings and loans, pre-paid debit cards that can be used as an e-bank account and PRA (Prudential Regulation Authority) protected savings accounts.
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She added: "We have had a really positive response but were keen to remind people that we are here, we are for everyone and its an ethical alternative. "We have made a difference to struggling Honiton families and every pound saved helps someone in Devon access financial services." Volunteers want to build on this great start but they need help from the local community. Liz Hayler, one of the volunteers, said: "Its an exciting time to get involved in the credit union and we are brim full of ideas to develop and reach more people. "We would welcome any time at all that people can give. Full training and support is available. Just three hours a month will help enormously." The credit union service point provides access to a range of saving products and is regulated by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) and is owned by its members. For more information or to volunteer call Marianne Harman on 01404 41585.
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