Credit Union Helps Community Foot Clinic Thrive

September 4, 2013
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ekalaka Montana - Last year when�Community 1st FCU�moved into its new building in Ekalaka, the county leased the unused portion of the building for the community's Senior Citizen Center. The center is well-used -- they have meals there three days a week and play cards and have exercise sessions two times a week. A local, retired RN also donates her time one day each month to conduct a foot clinic for the seniors while another volunteer paints their toe nails. To reach the most seniors, they hold the foot clinic on a day that meals are served. Makes sense, right? But things apparently got VERY crowded in the Center on foot clinic day. When Branch Manager�Melody Loken�found out just how crowded things were (she went over to visit with one of the volunteers during July's foot clinic), she decided to rectify the situation. After getting Community 1st President/CEO�Todd Gillette's blessing, she offered the credit union's board room as space for the foot clinic. The first foot clinic was held in the credit union last week. Melody said, "from the chatter and the thank-yous we received, the arrangement was a large success�and they will continue to hold the foot clinics at the credit union." A great idea! It puts the community first and brings more people into the credit union.  
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