Credit Union Hosts AACUC and Shows Global Support for CU Movement

August 21, 2013
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2013 AACUC Event 3Photo�L to R: Bert Hash, AACUC Vice Chair; Sheilah Montgomery, AACUC Chair; & Gary Moody, Credit Union ONE President/CEO Ferndale, Michigan Recently Credit Union ONE had the opportunity to host the African-American Credit Union Coalition (AACUC) for a tour of their headquarters and a presentation of the history of the credit union in conjunction with the Coalitions 15th Annual Conference held in Detroit.� The conference is held in a different part of the country each year and a credit union is selected for a site visit by the AACUC.� Credit Union ONE was proud to be chosen from the Detroit area this year. "I would like to thank Gary Moody, President/CEO�for giving AACUC members the opportunity to tour Credit Union ONE, said Sheilah Montgomery, AACUC Chairwoman.� Visiting the various departments and learning�about the innovative and state-of-the-art operations at Credit Union ONE was inspiring.� �The employees were absolutely outstanding.� Their enthusiasm and pride in providing outstanding service to the members is what credit unions are all about.� Kudos to Management and Staff!" In support of the AACUC and the work that they do to increase the strength of the global credit union movement, Credit Union ONE also sponsored one of the keynote speakers for the conference this year. "It was a great honor to be selected for the group tour, said Gary Moody, Credit Union ONE President and CEO.�� I thoroughly enjoyed the spirit of sharing and cooperation felt by everyone that attended.�� Meetings like this prove the strength and vitality of credit unions, and reaffirm the movements commitment to serving all consumers everywhere." Credit Union ONE, headquartered in Ferndale Michigan for seventy-five years, offers a wide array of financial services and access to over 30,000 ATMs nationwide, serving 106,000 members, with eighteen offices in three major metropolitan areas, including Metro Detroit, Grand Rapids and Traverse City. For more information go to or "like us" on Facebook
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