HFS Federal Credit Union Awards $45,000 in Scholarships
June 10, 2024

HFS Federal Credit Union
Where Caring Counts.
HFS Federal Credit Union Awards $45,000 in Scholarships

Hilo, HI. (June 10, 2024) – The hopes and dreams of local students are alive and well
despite economic challenges and the rising costs of post-secondary education. HFS
Federal Credit Union understands the need and is here to help!
For the past 13
years, the Credit Union has awarded over $235,000 in scholarships to more than ninety
student members to help with their college expenses. This year, ten scholarships were
awarded to graduating Big Island high school seniors and five scholarships to
current college students attending a 2-year, 4-year, or graduate program. Each
recipient was awarded $3,000 for a total of $45,000 in scholarships for the
2024-2025 academic year.
Recipients include a 2-year student who is majoring in Fire
and Environmental Emergency Response, nine 4-year students heading off
to various colleges for the first time and five current college students completing
degrees in Psychology, History, Nursing, Business Administration, Mechanical
Engineering, Sociology, Biochemistry, Electrical Engineering, and Computer
Science. The Credit Union is proud to support its
student members who will one day be leaders in the community and positive
contributors in the workforce.
HFS Federal Credit Union congratulates the following
scholarship recipients:
Coloma (Kamehameha Schools Hawai’i)
Gonsalves (Hilo High School)
Harman (Ke Kula 'o Nāwahīokalani'ōpu'u Iki PCS)
Igloria (Kea’au High School)
Kay-Wong (Kamehameha Schools Hawai'i)
Naleimaile (Kamehameha Schools Hawai'i)
Naleimaile-Evangelista (Waiākea High School)
Paleka (Kamehameha Schools Hawai'i)
Paresa (Waiākea High School)
Shotts (Parker School)
Dameg (University of Hawai’i at Hilo)
Galves (University of Hawai'i at Hilo)
Germano (Colorado State University, Pueblo)
Kuamo’o (California State University, East Bay)
Tangaro (Chamberlain University)
Jesica Carriaga, HFS Federal Credit Union Scholarship
Committee Chairperson says, “We received many impressive applications this
year, which made choosing just 15 recipients difficult. Congratulations to all
2024 graduates on your accomplishments thus far, and we look forward to seeing
all that you achieve in the future.
HFS FCU releases applications at the beginning of each
year, offering scholarships for both graduating Big Island high school seniors
pursuing a 2 or 4-year degree, as well as current college students pursuing a
2-year, 4-year, or graduate degree. For more information, please contact the
Credit Union at (808) 930-1400 or visit our website at hfsfcu.org/scholarships/.
HFS Federal Credit Union (HFS
FCU) is the largest not-for-profit and member-owned financial institution on
Hawai’i Island. Established by just nine individuals in 1937, HFS started with
very humble beginnings. The Credit Union continued to grow from serving just
employees of the Federal and Territorial Governments in the County of Hawai‘i
and their families, to now offering membership to any person who lives, works,
or attends school on Hawai’i Island.
more information about HFS FCU and additional eligibility criteria, contact the
Credit Union at (808) 930-1400, visit www.hfsfcu.org
or stop by any of our branches in Hilo, Kea‘au, Prince Kuhio Plaza, Honoka‘a,
Waimea or Kona. You’ll quickly see why HFS is the credit union where caring